How can I possibly cover the last 30 years in a single blog post? I have had the honor and pleasure of being a part of something great at NCT9-1-1 for the past 30 years. I got to start at the beginning (before 9-1-1) and have been amazed at the growth of this industry and the people. Speaking of beginnings, let me step back a bit. . .
When I was in fifth grade, I did an assignment where I stated I wanted to be a nun when I grew up. Now this was particularly interesting because I was not Catholic. However, in reading the assignment as an adult I realized that what I really wanted to be was someone who helped others. Fast forwarding to college, I’m not sure how I planned to find a job to help others in the mass communications field (my major), but I knew I needed to understand people in order to communicate effectively, so I studied Psychology (my minor) as well. Then I got an internship at Tarrant County 9-1-1 (Fort Worth, Texas). I’m sure you have guessed by now that was all it took – I was hooked! That job not only gave me a passion for the industry and the experience to get my first “real job” at the North Central Texas Council of Governments, but it was also the beginning of building a purpose and developing my calling.
I remember coming home after my interview to be the Public Education and Training Coordinator for this brand new 9-1-1 program. I told my boyfriend (now husband) I was unsure I wanted to take a newly created position in a new program where there was little direction for what they wanted me to do. He encouraged me that it was a dream opportunity to have the ability to develop my own job description, create a new program and stay in the industry that ignited passion and allowed me to help others. To think that I could have let fear, uncertainty, and doubt of the unknown keep me from my dream job still motivates me today. I was fortunate to have a support system and someone to encourage me to be brave and try something new. I have been trying to pay that forward ever since. I think it is why I am a champion for change and I have spent so many years encouraging others to step out of their comfort zone and do something new that will improve 9-1-1 services in their area. Of course, each action of every individual will make our industry better and 9-1-1 services will be enhanced. But I hope that overcoming fear and doing something new will also inspire each individual to grow personally. Because it is the PEOPLE in our industry that make 9-1-1 great!
30 years is a long time to work for an organization in this day and age. But it is not so long a tenure in the 9-1-1 industry. Have you been doing what you do for a long time? Are you feeling burned out? Does the new technology scare you a bit or does the bureaucracy frustrate you? You are not alone! There are many others feeling the same way. The 9-1-1 industry is filled with good people at all different stages of their careers (or calling) and that means you have a support system. There are others out there that have the energy and passion to support and encourage you at this very moment. Please reach out to others in our great industry when you need reassurance, ideas, or even a shoulder on which to cry. I consider it an honor to be faced with an opportunity to help someone in their time of need – so many of you have helped me in the last 30 years. If you answered yes to any of the questions above, please contact someone else in 9-1-1. Contact me. We are stronger together and there is plenty of good will in this industry. I am so blessed to have spent 30 years belonging – in a dream job, within an incredible industry that helps others, and working beside some of the most amazing people in the world!