Who Does 9-1-1 Call When 9-1-1 Needs Help?
They call the Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce (TERT).
The NCTR-TERT program is a region of public safety Telecommunicators who respond, relieve, assist, and/or augment PSAPs affected by natural or man-made disasters within the NCT9-1-1 Region.
The NCTR-TERT program assists agencies with local incidents that do not meet the guidelines for large-scale state or national disasters and at no cost to participating agencies. A regional TERT can be requested at any time by an agency without the formal notifications needed for a national response. The NCTR-TERT program provides:
- Quick deployment for immediate relief of exhausted telecommunicators.
- Maintains daily operations within the PSAP regardless of circumstances.
- Support PSAP staffing to ensure public and first responder safety.
- Follows all Local, State, and National APCO/NENA ANS 1.105.1-2009 Standards for TERT Deployment.
For more information, contact the 9-1-1 Operations Team at 911OpsTeam@nct911.org

State and National TERT:
Texas TERT – www.tx-tert.org
National Joint TERT Initiative – www.njti-tert.org
Don’t forget to follow TX TERT and NJTI on Facebook and Twitter!