Current State of Real-Time Text (RTT) in the NCT9-1-1 Region

The North Central Texas Emergency Communications District, in line with the rules established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), is in the process of implementing Real-Time Text (RTT) throughout its region of 40 9-1-1 Emergency Communication Centers (ECC) across 14 counties. Currently, this project is still in a pilot phase.  

To be updated on the adoption of RTT across the NCT9-1-1 region, subscribe to our RTT mailing list. 

Within the NCT9-1-1 region, the Deaf or Hard of Hearing Communities may utilize text-to-9-1-1 to reach emergency services. However, text-to-9-1-1 is not available everywhere, and the public is encouraged to contact their local law enforcement agency to determine if it is available.  

All ECCs in the country are also required to offer TTY/TDD services.

Using a wireless phone, RTT allows you to communicate by messaging over a phone call. This isn’t the same as text messaging, which isn’t supported over a call. In 2016, the FCC announced that RTT will replace Text Telephony (TTY). You must have a wireless voice plan to use RTT. 

  • RTT communicates messages automatically without requiring the user to push “send.” This is helpful to 9-1-1 telecommunicators who can respond faster to emergency requests for help.  
  • With RTT, voice and text can be used simultaneously, which allows 9-1-1 telecommunicators to build situational awareness based on background noise.  
  • RTT does not require any additional accessories such as a TTY machine or a video relay screen. 
  • Location information is available through RTT, but is only available through TTY with a landline. 
  • RTT conversations utilize plain language, which eliminates the need for TTY etiquette.  

Apple Devices 

  • Navigate to the Settings app 
  • Select Accessibility  
  • Under Hearing, select RTT/TTY 
  • Slide Software RTT/TTY to on 

Android Devices 

  • Navigate to the Settings app 
  • Select Accessibility  
  • Select Hearing enhancements  
  • Select Real Time Text 
  • Choose “Always visible” to have the option to make an RTT call 

Once activated, you can choose to make an RTT call from your device’s phone app.