9-1-1 Location Accuracy Program

School Floor Plan Initiative 

In a continued effort to build better location accuracy for the North Central Texas Emergency Communications District’s (NCT9-1-1) 14-county region, we are launching a new initiative to create more detailed maps of local school and college campuses. 

The NCT9-1-1 will collaborate with local school districts, emergency management offices, and other public safety organizations to collect high quality, detailed floor plans of local schools. By collecting this data, we will then be able to provide life-saving information to 9-1-1 telecommunicators.  


  • Floor plan data will provide additional situational awareness for first responders. They will now have more detailed information about the facilities including indoor context and the ability to see caller location within a room or indoor location. This data will also become increasingly important as mapping systems are able to capture elevation data which will allow a caller to be located within multi-floor buildings.
  • Locations accuracy for live 9-1-1 calls will improve. For example, a telecommunicator would be able to identify the floor level, room number, and possibly the location in the room of the emergency caller.  
  • Public safety professionals will be able to update out-of-date systems after construction projects and renovations. 
  • Response times will decrease, which can save lives in crisis scenarios. 

How does it work?

  1. Submit a high quality school floor plan to NCT9-1-1. Acceptable file types include:                                                                                                                           BIM    CAD    FGDB    KML    KMZ    PDF    Scanned Images    Shapefiles
  2. The NCT9-1-1 GIS team will convert the floorplan into a layer on your local law enforcement agency’s 9-1-1 map.
  3. 9-1-1 telecommunicators will begin using the new floorplan information to build situational awareness, find emergency callers, and provide accurate location information to field responders. 

For more information or to submit your school’s floor plan, contact 911LocationAccuracy@NCT911.org or call 9-1-1 Strategic Services Coordinator, David Dean, at 682-666-2512.