Texas 3D User’s Group
What It Is
This is designed to be an informal collaboration effort from several different perspectives, yet all moving collectively towards the same goal. The future of NG9-1-1 and its relationship with the realm of Z-axis data and 3D imagery is an inevitable movement for the 9-1-1 industry. There is a need to be able to clarify, quantify, and establish new methods on a roadmap to accommodate the rapid and massive shift from a 2D to a 3D world.
Enter The Texas 3D User’s Group. The purpose of this group is to collaborate with a diverse collection of industry professionals in a virtual workgroup setting. This “think tank” style format will allow for numerous perspectives from industries including (but not limited to): addressing authorities, ECC staff, fire, law, EMS service members, vendors, and other organizations with a passion for moving 9-1-1 forward.
The plan is to meet every quarter for a virtual meeting that could include presentations, current testing, knowledge share, and open discussion. Depending on progress, post meeting “sub-groups” may be formed to further test and collaborate. Examples of this could include Test calling, Imagery insight, data uncertainty, etc.
- Identify what aspects of 3D that will ultimately benefit telecommunicators.
- Discuss, and knowledge share what current methods, concepts, and testing the group is involved with regarding 3D and / or Z-axis as it relates to 9-1-1 processes.
- Gain insight on what the roadmap looks like for relevant 3D data and its application in dispatch mapping products.
- To form a fully functioning group of 3D stakeholders that meet periodically to discuss the current state of 3D and work with vendors to utilize 3D data as presented from local authorities.
The direction of the group will be largely driven by the information gathered during the meetings. Participation, discussion of current work or testing, and the ability to attend or be removed from the group is completely voluntary. All policies in regards to sensitive material and / or NDAs shall be honored. Deliverables are ultimately aspects of the subject matter that will benefit telecommunicators via collaboration. There are no physical products or expectations of physical products required as deliverables from group members. The proposed group will not be responsible for creating industry standards such as with NENA and other organizations.
If interested in joining the group, please reach out to Joe Brawner at jbrawner@nct911.org.